Creativity Sparks About Barbara

About Barbara

As a former elementary educator (still licensed in the state of Connecticut), I understand how profound the arts can be in our lives. I know that being able to write creatively can open up new worlds and new ideas, and I know that being able to express our thoughts via art helps us to communicate some of our deepest thinking.

Having the ability to combine my love of teaching, creating art and my great desire for communication, I feel strongly that I have a responsibility to work for the greater good. In order to do so, I’ve created Creativity Sparks!

In the past, I’ve managed an international artisan non-profit organization, a market research firm, and many classrooms. Creating art as far back as I can remember, my experience has culminated in the founding of WildesArt, a gathering place for musicians, visual artists, writers, poets, foodies, and yogis. I hold an M.A. in Education from the University of Saint Joseph, in Connecticut. I taught in Connecticut Public Schools for over 13 years, and was honored to be selected as Torrington, Connecticut’s Teacher of the Year in 2009. I’ve served on the Board of the NC Arts Incubator and was the Writer-in-Residence and Education Advisor for Piedmont Farm Animal Refuge in Pittsboro, NC.

My husband, Bill, and I recently built Wildefern Farm in Chatham County, North Carolina, which is now home to rescued alpacas, a flock of chickens and a sweet cat.

If you’re interested in the experience that has brought me to Creativity Sparks, you can view my resume here…

If you have questions, comments or ideas for future Sparks, I’d love to hear from you at [email protected] .

Happy Sparking!